Product Description:
It is made of cotton orthopaedic rubber. It works like an active bandage, may be used as prevention with any type of shoes. It stabilizes the ankle joint. Maintenance of stable temperature and elastic pressure results in reduction of pain and swelling, helps in healing of post-injury effusions and hematoma.

AirRubber III has unidirectional elasticity. It can be stretched, increasing the length, not width, what improves compression. Between the braids air flows freely and skin can breathe. In addition in high compression, these rubber braids provide a gentle massage for skin. Our orthopedic rubber is very friendly for skin.
Purpose of use
- after ankle joint injuries such as strain
- as an support after fractures and surgeries
- ankle instability
- ankle degeneration
- prophylactically in physical activities
Available Sizes

stabilizes the ankle joint, reduces pain and improves effectiveness and quality of walk. Allows faster come back to training. The effectiveness of the support depends on used shoes – preferred are sport-type shoes: trainers, hiking boots, professional sport shoes. Instruction of use is given by the doctor.
- open wound
- abrasion
- eczema
- skin allergy
Setting Up:

Information For Patients:
- Only properly selected, fitted and used support fulfills its function – incorrect use may cause increase of problems with the joint, skin abrasion, problems with walking, swelling of shin and foot, varicose veins, vein inflammation - instruction regarding use of the support is given by the leading doctor of therapist.
- In case of fresh skin abrasions or injuries use the support on dressing
- In case of swelling of feet and toes– use of the support must be limited or impossible
- In case of skin allergic reactions due to the use of the support, please contact a doctor.
- Lack of personal hygiene or wrong maintenance of the product (insufficient washing and rinsing) may lead to skin abrasion, rushes, allergic reactions connected with excessive sweating and development of bacteria.
- Hand wash in 30 degree water with soap
- Do not iron
- Do not use chlorine
- Dry far from source of hit