Product Description:
The brace is made of UniPren.
UniPren is universal 3-layered fabric made of external elastic polyamide self-gripping layer and internal neoprene foam with elastic jersey. Our fabric is soft and elastic and not knitted, what prevents skin against the skin abrasions in the compression zones. The braces made of UniPren provide the best stabilization in market.

Available sizes

- The support reduces pain of shin caused by overstress and old injuries.
- Maintenance of stable temperature and elastic pressure results in reduction of swelling, helps in healing of post-injury effusions and hematoma.
- Enables faster come back to training.
- Provides protection in contact sports.
- Detainment of warmth, preventing body overcooling and overheating,
- Comfort of use – the support contains no thick fibres which can cause abrasions if pressed firmly on patient’s skin.
- Simplicity of use- simple way to put the support on and take it off by the patient.
- The design of the support takes into account specific body shape and provides maximum comfort of use and no movement limitation for both women and men.
Purpose Of Use:
- pain of shin caused by injury or overstress. Enables faster come back to training (e.g. after intensive cycling, indoor team sports, tennis, weight lifting);
- swelling of shin due to past injury and overstress;
- shin injury prevention - team indoor sports (e.g. handball, basketball)
Setting Up:

Information For Patients:
- Only properly selected, fitted and used support fulfils its function – incorrect use may cause increase of problems with the shin, skin abrasion, problems with walking, swelling, vein inflammation - instruction regarding use of the support is given by the leading doctor of therapist.
- In case of coexisting varicose vein of tight, previous inflammation of veins, swelling of legs – use of the brace is limited or impossible (always after consultation with the doctor)
- No kind of cream, poultice, ointments etc should be used before the application of the support.
- In case of skin changes in places where the support touches the skin (abrasions, injuries, skin eczema) it is possible to use the support after a dressing is applied.
- In case of skin allergic reactions due to the use of the support, please contact a doctor.
- Lack of personal hygiene or wrong maintenance of the product (insufficient washing and rinsing) may lead to skin abrasion, rushes, allergic reactions connected with excessive sweating and development of bacteria.
- Hand wash in 30° warm water with soap
- Rinse thoruoghly
- Do not iron
- Do not use chlorine
- Dry far from the sources of heat