Hand and forearm support with stabilization of position AM-SDP-K-02
- Code:411
- Weight:0.700 Kgs
Hand and forearm support with stabilization of position AM-SDP-K-02
Product Description
Dynamic functional hand and forearm support with correcting hand deviation was developed for positioning treatment and immobilization of contractures of the wrist, radiocarpal joint and fingers.
Hand and forearm support with correcting of hand deviation AM-SDP-K-02The fitting of the Funcional Wrist Orthosis is obtained by sets of circumferential forearm tapes, wrist, palmar, distal and thumb strap. The product is equipped with soft padding provides comfort to the patient. The extensive regulation of the brace allows easy adjustment on forearm and wrist.
Dorsal band on fingers provides support for phalangeal area. The product is supplied with soft finger separator which prevents to fingers overlapping, anti-spasticity, relieves pain fingers and keep them in correct position.
Per customer request, the standard separator may be substituted for neurological separator which stabilizes each finger separately. Extra price.
Dynamic functional hand and forearm support with correcting of hand deviation AM-SDP-K-02
The orthosis is made of innovative AirSanmed non-elastic textile, which properties allowing an improvement in stabilization level of the joints. The orthosis is covered with perforated medical laminate allowing easy evaporation of the sweat, semi-rigid perforated comfort foam located inside and a breathable cotton terry cloth in contact with the skin of the patient.
Hand and forearm support with correcting of hand deviation AM-SDP-K-02The fitting of the Funcional Wrist Orthosis is obtained by sets of circumferential forearm tapes, wrist, palmar, distal and thumb strap. The product is equipped with soft padding provides comfort to the patient. The extensive regulation of the brace allows easy adjustment on forearm and wrist.
Dorsal band on fingers provides support for phalangeal area. The product is supplied with soft finger separator which prevents to fingers overlapping, anti-spasticity, relieves pain fingers and keep them in correct position.
Per customer request, the standard separator may be substituted for neurological separator which stabilizes each finger separately. Extra price.
Dynamic functional hand and forearm support with correcting of hand deviation AM-SDP-K-02
The orthosis is made of innovative AirSanmed non-elastic textile, which properties allowing an improvement in stabilization level of the joints. The orthosis is covered with perforated medical laminate allowing easy evaporation of the sweat, semi-rigid perforated comfort foam located inside and a breathable cotton terry cloth in contact with the skin of the patient.

Available Sizes

- Contractures in Flexion or Hyperextension of the Wrist
- Contractures with/without Radial or Ulnar Deviation
- Contractures in flexion or Hyperextension of interphalangeal articulations including Thumb Abduction
- Fractures requiring immobilization of the wrist
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
Setting Up

Information for Patients:
- It should be applied in compliance with indications and under doctor's supervision.
- For the first time should be established by doctor or by trained medical staff.
- Orthosis should not be used if any ointment or warming up gel had been applied earlier.
- It is recommended to use the article together with stocking or antivaricose knee-length socks of minimum compression.
- Inappropriate use of article or choosing wrong size can bring about a defect of venous and arterial circulation, trauma of protected joint, skin illnesses etc.
- Lack of everyday personal hygiene or inappropriate preservation and washing the article can cause skin attritions or can bring about allergic reactions connected with intensive perspiration and development of bacterial flora.
- Wash by hands in warm water with soap in temperature of 30°
- Do not mould.
- Do not chlorinate.
- Dry away from sources of warmth.