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Home OrthosisAnkle jointANKLE SUPPORT AM-OSS-03


  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.500 Kgs


Price: €49.00


Product description


Team games such as: football, volleyball, handball or basketball are very often connected with ankle injuries. In this case, the trauma level is right up to 30% all of sport injuries. It’s connected with game dynamic and overloading.A lot of twisting injuries may lead to chronic ankle instability. Especially when patient suffer from ankle sprain in the 3rd degree.
People with chronic ankle instability often complain of a repeated turning of the ankle,
Discomfort, swelling, pain and unstable feeling.
Ankle instability can be controlled by ankle brace.
Our sport ankle brace AM-OSS-03 SCOUT is a anatomic-shaped solution for this kind of problems. Special anatomic support protects ankle joint in the frontal plane.
Using the special 3D fabric called ActiveSpace allows sking to breath during training.



The external side of the SCOUT brace is made of polyester tech fabric called Codura. Codura is light textile (~600 g/mb = ~400 g/m2) that is fast-dried and water-resistant.



PowerFul is extreme durable lamination made of polyamide with polyurethane layer and Teflon finishing. Structure of fabrics and method of milling make the fabric lightweight but very resistant to damages and extreme conditions. External layer is covered by Teflon. Our devices made of PowerFul are the thinnest and the most durable on the market. Waterproof material.
SCOUT ankle brace fits to ankle precisely and provides excellent stabilization thanks to special tapes, lateral joint support and firm laced compression system. The brace can be used in sport shoes always when you need the stabilization.

The ankle brace fits for both legs.


Purpose of use


  • ankle strains or sprains
  • ankle dislocation
  • as an protection after cast immobilization (after fractures, raptures, sprains, strains)
  • chronic Ankle Instability
  • acute or Chronic Ankle Injury
  • prophylactically in sport



Available size:


  • Perfect stabilization – thanks to double-cross velcro tapes and synthetic, anatomically shaped reinforcement with laces the support perfectly stabilizes the ankle and foot
  • Comfort of use – thanks to activ sport material the foot can breath well and the sweat is drained from patient’s skin
  • Maintenance of correct body hygiene – the support is easily put on and taken off, patient can easily wash it and maintain proper hygiene of foot.
Purpose of use:
  • Ankle support AM-OSS-03 provides very good stabilization of the ankle joint and foot. The improvement of effectiveness and quality of walk depends on the type of used shoes- preferred are sport-type shoes. Instruction of use is given by the doctor. 
  • In rehabilitation after damage to the ankle joint and tarsus (dislocation and breakage) 
  • after damage to Achilles tendon 
  • advanced degenerative changes of ankle and tarsus with pain complaint 
  • in everyday activities, atony of foot or lower limb 
  • Too tight application of the support or too small size may cause ischaemia of toes and feet 
  • In case of coexisting varicose vein, previous inflammation of veins, swelling of legs – use of the support is possible only on specifically selected varicose veins knee-height socks or stockings with II* pressure 
  • In case of skin changes in place where the support touches the skin (abrasions, injuries, skin eczema) it is necessary to contact your doctor. The use of the suport is possible after a dressing is applied. 
  • The correctness of the use of the support should be especially controlled in case of children, patients with memory failure and abalienated 


  • Not following the instruction during use of the support may result in serious complications 
  • Patients using the support without the recommendation of the doctor or therapist use it on their own risk 



Setting up


Information for patients:
  • Only properly selected, fitted and used support fulfills its function – incorrect use may cause increase of problems with the joint and worsen the effectiveness of walk, cause swelling of foot, varicose veins and vein inflammation 
  • In case of swelling of shin and toes– contact your doctor, usually use of the varicose vain stockings is necessary 
  • Skin in the place of application of support must be clean (no creams, ointments etc should be applied before the use of the support) 
  • Lack of personal hygiene or wrong maintenance of the product (insufficient washing and rinsing) may lead to skin abrasion, rushes, allergic reactions connected with excessive sweating and development of bacteria. 





  • Hand wash in 30° warm water with soap 
  • Rinse thoruoghly
  • Do not iron 
  • Do not use chlorine 
  • Dry far from the sources of heat