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Home Disability ProductsElectric WheelchairsBattery Wheelchair Vermeiren FOREST 3

Battery Wheelchair Vermeiren FOREST 3

Battery Wheelchair Vermeiren FOREST 3

Price: €3,700.00
Battery Wheelchair Vermeiren FOREST 3
  • Express delivery
  • 2 year warranty
  • Size: 1 2 3
  • USer weight: 130 130 130
  • Maximum speed (km/h): 14 14 14
  • Distance on a single charge (km): 48 48 48
  • Seat width (cm): 40 45 50
  • Seat debth (cm): 52 52 52
  • Backrest height (cm) 55 55 55
  • Wheelchair weight(kg): 125 125 125
  • Wheelchair width (cm): 60 60 60
  • Wheel type (pumping / rigid): P P P

Vermeiren Forest 3

Endurance - Comfort - Adjustability

The FOREST 3 is the perfect companion for users seeking a compact indoor wheelchair and a powerful outdoor model. Endurance, comfort and adjustability are the keyfeatures of the Forest 3.

• Ground clearance up to 7,5 cm
• Powerfull 350W motors
• Available as 6,10 or 14 km/h version
• Optional V-stab technology that allows the user to drive in a straight line without having to compensate
• Stability axle to keep all 4 wheels in contact with the ground

The Vermeiren Forest 3 is an electric wheelchair designed for users looking for extra power and dynamics. This powerful disability e-wheelchair is available in three separate sizes and two separate motors - a 220W motor and a 350W one, developing maximum speed of 14 km/h. The Forest 3 battery sprovide enough power to cover a distance of 48 km!  




Ultimate comfort

The Vermeiren Forest 3 electric wheelchair is built to offer unparalleled comfort for the user. Its ergonomic seat and backrest, combined with the option for additional height and incline adjustment, help the user to achieve that perfect positioning when seated on the Forest 3. What's more, the Vermeiren Forest 3 features soft foam and easy-to-clean upholstery, making this wheelchair particularly suitable for people who spend a lot of time in a seated position. 


Innovative positioning mechanism and forearm support

The Vermeiren forest 3 electric wheelchair features an innovative mechanism for forearm positioning to help the user keep a proper seated positon and stabilization of the upper body. A special mechanism allows you to remove the forearm support if needed - for example when moving the patient on and off the wheelchair. In addition, the upholstery is made of special material that prevents overheating when in contact with skin, while a special orthopedic foam helps in the equal weight distribution.

If you are looking for a wheelchair that does not cause decubital wounds, then look no further than the Vermeiren Forest 3, available at!  


Иновативната технология V-stab позволява на потребителя да управлява по права линия, без да се налага да компенсира. Устойчивата ос в конструкцията на количката поддържа четирите колела в непрекъснат контакт със земята. Освобождаването на моторите дава възможност количката да бъде задвижена на собствен ход от придружител. Максималният наклон за изкачване, който скутерът може да преодолее е 9 градуса. Колелцата против преобръщане със система амортисьори ROSTA допринасят за сигурността на ползвателя.